Return to Learn: What to Expect
Return to Learn: What to Expect With school boards scrambling to make decisions about returning to learning at districts across the country, parents and education leaders alike fear that students have struggled with virtual learning and potentially fallen behind in their learning. There is normally, a “summer slide” to be expected each year. The “summer

Summer Plans for Special Needs Children at Home
With the summer in full swing, you may be wondering what options your special needs child has for staying engaged. It can be challenging, but there are easy, affordable ways to stay home and stay entertained. Not sure where to get started? We have some suggestions. Fun Summer Plan Ideas for Special Needs Children Stuck

Special Education: A Guide
There’s a lot to learn about special education, from its humble beginnings and long history to the resources available to you. Here is our full guide to special education in the United States and the benefits that it offers to you and others who need it. The History of Special Education So, how did special

Roles Involved in Virginia Medicaid Waivers
When it comes to Consumer Directed (CD) waiver services, there are a lot of different roles involved in waivers to consider. Having different roles built-in to waivers allows a person to have an easier time accessing as well as maintaining the services available to them. So what do all of the different roles mean? What

Early Intervention: A Guide
If you are interested in learning more about early intervention, either on a local or federal level, you have come to the right place. Early intervention is a vitally important service that is offered everywhere in the United States and it is crucial to know if you have a child with developmental disabilities or delays.

A Guide to Medicaid Waivers
For those of you with children that have developmental disabilities, or those of you who have them yourself, it’s extremely important to know what options you have in regards to Medicaid waivers, additional services and support. So, how can Medicaid waivers help you? What do they do for you? Here’s our full guide on how

Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
March is Learning Disabilities Awareness Month and is also commonly referred to as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. What can you do this month to be a part of it? How did it originate and grow over the years? Here’s everything you need to know about Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. What is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month?

Why Inclusive Education is So Important
Everywhere, around the globe, you can see how any difference will set a child apart from their peers. Whether it’s language, disability, etc. it’s important to recognize these differences and find a way to bring them together for general inclusiveness, social, and learning purposes in an inclusive education environment. So, how does this happen? Let’s

2020 Budget is scheduled for Vote this Thursday, March 12 As a follow up to our urgent request for emails and phone calls to Senators and Delegates for the Virginia Budget, we’d like to thank the advocates who met with their General Assembly members and wrote, emailed, made phones, and much more. We’re very grateful
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Surviving the Holidays with a Disability: Tips, Hacks, and Lots of Laughs
Hey there, holiday warriors! The holiday season can be a stressful time for anyone, but when you have a disability, it can feel even more overwhelming. From navigating crowded stores to dealing with inaccessible events, the challenges can seem never-ending. But fear not, because we’re here to help you survive the holidays with a disability!
Juggling Caring For A Loved One & Your Health
The importance of maintaining good health while caregiving Caring for a loved one can be a rewarding yet overwhelming experience, especially for busy parents who are already juggling multiple responsibilities. But with the right support and resources, it is possible to maintain good health while fulfilling caregiving responsibilities. For individuals that qualify for Virginia Medicaid
Oral Cancer Awareness
The month of April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month. Every day, around 145 new cases of mouth cancer are diagnosed in the United States, and one person dies from oral cancer every hour of the day. When detected early in its development, oral malignancies can have a survival rate of 80 to 90%. The following
Rising Epilepsy Treatment
Epilepsy is the world’s fourth most common neurological illness. Epilepsy is a neurological condition characterized by recurrent, spontaneous seizures. Abnormal electrical discharges in a group of brain cells cause seizures. Such discharges can occur in many areas of the brain. Causes of Epilepsy Even though various underlying disease mechanisms can cause epilepsy, the condition’s origin
Epilepsy in Communities of Color
Epilepsy is the world’s fourth most common neurological illness. Epilepsy is a neurological condition characterized by recurrent, spontaneous seizures. Abnormal electrical discharges in a group of brain cells cause seizures. Such discharges can occur in many areas of the brain. In the United States, an estimated 25,000 African Americans receive a new epilepsy diagnosis each