
Moms' Quick Takes

First and foremost, get a crash course in all things waiver HERE. With that being said, FAIRY GODMOTHERS DON’T EXIST, BUT WE DO. Bippity-boppity-boop. And just like that, you’ve achieved some semblance of your dream life with the wave of a waiver services wand. Okay, so that’s not possible, but easily digestible and super helpful information? Definitely possible! Introducing Mom’s Quick Takes!

If you have been involved in the waiver world for any amount of time, you know how difficult navigating the process can be. We get it, anything waiver related can result in information overload. The struggle is real! Rest assured, Moms In Motion and At Home Your Way are here to help make that process as smooth as possible. Our goal is to provide bite sized bits of information, tips and news you can use with our Mom’s Quick Takes. Check back frequently to stay in the loop.

Health Insurance Premium Programs (HIPP)

DMAS 7 Training

What does the Service Facilitator do?

What does the Care Coordinator do?

What does the EOR do?

3 Best kept secrets of the CCC+ waiver:

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